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时间:2023-10-31 23:35标签:
Had the liquid so through their double layer has ma suits and underwear,这个放射性物体的液体已经浸透穿越了他们双层防护服,然后还有自己的内衣,而且没有办法通过冲洗的方式呢,充分的降低这个所谓的radiat
Had the liquid so through their double layer has ma suits and underwear,这个放射性物体的液体已经浸透穿越了他们双层防护服,然后还有自己的内衣,而且没有办法通过冲洗的方式呢,充分的降低这个所谓的radiation levels,也就是辐射值,这样他们就不得不送往医院接受进一步的decontamination,就是去除核污染以及monitoring不断的去监控他们身体的状况。这个haman稍微说一下,来自于hazardous materials合成在一块,Merge them and you get a new word hasment,实际上表达的意思就是危险的物质already,我是自学并作了十年同生传音的offer,学英文方法比努力跟,从头到尾我们再做听一遍,Two workers at the tsunami REC of fuishhima die nuclear power plant were hospitalized after accidentally getting sprayed with liquid laed with radioactive materials the incident occurred on Wednesday when a group of workers were cleaning a piping at the advanced liquid processing system which is key to the treatment of the radioactive wastewater that accumul。
It's on the plant and it's ongoing tocharge into the sea two of the four workers way but to rinse off the contamination to the levels that allowed them to lead the plant the other two who had the liquid soap through their double layer hasma suits and underwear and could not sufficiently lower the radiation levels have To Be taken to a hospital for further de contamination。